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Same dress, different day. When you have an epically favorite wardrobe piece, you shouldn't be ashamed to wear it more than once. And when that item happens to be one of your few shameless $plurges, there's even MORE of a damn reason to get as much use out of it as possible and flaunt it proudly. I featured this dress is a Valentine's Day post a couple years back. I did end up accessorizing with the same earrings, but I gave the look a fresh renewal thanks to my blonder, shorter hair as well as the tights, black pumps and tan coat. We've been conditioned to see this as a fashion faux pas in the real world and especially in the blogger world. So here I am. Same dress, different day. And I feel good about it. Don't forget there's ALWAYS an option to play around and change up the look as a whole as well. Honestly, people aren't ever paying as close attention to your outfit as you think they are. Dress for you first.